Saturday, August 29, 2009

Random reflection:

An Ideal Model Parent

This morning for as I was moving around, I noticed on the note book of a 12 year old girl, "I want a Dad like Ted Kennedy". Soon I picked up a conversation with the girl and asked her," What made her to have so much admiration for Ted Kennedy?"

Quick came the reply, " Did you not watch the CNN program on his life and hear what those dignitaries and his son's spoke about him'?
I asked her, 'What impressed her most'from Kennedy's life? She answered, "His love for the poor and the way he took care of the family and how he trained every member of his family in spite his various tasks. He even found time to reach the door steps of needy the suffering and made every one connected with him happy including his opponents and bitter enemies. Can there be any thing better? His wife Victoria Raclin Kennedy(Vicky) is such a graceful woman too. See how she conducted herself and faced the moments of sorrow with such feminine dignity. It is certain that she has attracted the attention of the masses by her orderly and gratuitous responses.

Out of curiosity, I asked her, "How do you find your father?"
She replied, "He is o.k., but no comparison with Ted uncle"." Ted Uncle is a gem among men".

This little talk made me think how the young ones today are looking out for good models. In reality, what they find is that not even their parents are good role models for them. To create deep impact on the youth of today the elders have to become ideal role models with definite values and a spirit of sacrifice coupled with hard work, failing which they may choose paths leading to sorrowful and at times to fateful ends?

Parents are you listening to such comments mad by the students? How are you seen by your Children?............... A good model?... An ideal parent? Have you anything to offer positively for your Children other that false prestige, Cheap conversation and mean exposure of your own self?

Now is the time, to wake up and act, with a definite agenda that will enable us to be good models, Positive and Proactive Thinkers spending "quality time" with children to make them feel that you are the person they need most.


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